WCO numbers Status overview from 12/28/21
The status overview contains the following countries: USA USA: Today, the US Federal Register published information on the change for the...
WCO numbers Status overview from 12/22/21
The status overview contains the following countries: DE DE: Today we have received the notification from the General Directorate of...
WCO numbers Status overview from 12/21/21
The status overview contains the following countries: EU, DE, GB, CA, CN EU: Today there was a new update of the EU numbers from the...
GB numbers Status overview from 12/20/21
UK.GOV has published a series of updates to 2022 UK goods classification at 10-digit level (where these have been confirmed) alongside...
current status overview of the new WCO numbers starting in 2022.
The status overview contains the following countries: EU, DE, GB, USA, RS, NZ EU - Import: The updates for the EU-Taric data are running...
The German Customs Authority informs that the reclassification will not be published until January.
With the WCO and EU 2022 update, many materials will need to be reclassified, and the German tariff number will also need to be...
US - CBP: WCO Update 2022 not entering into force 1 January
On 17 December 2021, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) informed via Cargo Systems Messaging Service (CSMS) that the Harmonized...